v2.3.6 [Feb 28, 2012]
- in the device settings you can now double click a channel to edit it's tuning information. Frequency, SID, service type etc. Should be useful for advanced users wanting to make tweaks when broadcasters move stuff around.
- digital recording is now done 'out of process' to workaround an issue where digital devices could sometimes lockup when stopping recordings, requiring recording service to be restarted.
- fixed a problem with deleting recordings from a client PC
- fixed an issue that would stop the DirectX UI working on older graphics cards that dont support hardware vertex processing
- now able to configure the number seconds that must have been watched before a recording shows the 'watched' indicator. See in config.xml. Previously it was hardcoded to 60 seconds.
- VMR9 Custom and VMR9 FSE video renderer options now also available for DVD playback.
- BUILDING_GRAPH event now fires for DVD playback.
- reduced the time a ShowMessage call displays info on the screen. Most people agreed it was too long.
- added a popup for selecting the audio stream. The Green key will bring it up.
- added a new "-updatedb" command line that can be used to ensure all the database changes have been applied.
- when displaying channel icons for existing recordings, if the stored channel oid doesnt match a channel in the database, it'll fallback to looking for the channel by name.
- imported show details now retain pretty xml formatting on nested EPGEvent details (ie, has newlines and indentation)
- added channel groups so that you can sort your channel into lists of favourite channels, or whatever groupings make sense to you.
- fixed a crash that could happen if you manually initiate an epg update while the recording service isnt running
- changed logic which copied artwork from [data]\media\shows to folder.jpg while recording. Now just directly uses artwork from [data]\media\shows.
- added some logic for accessing the NextPVR UI via html, using http://:8866/touch/client.html. This is still quite rough at this stage, but hopefully will be usable example for people experimenting with rolling their own basic clients for smartphones or tablets or maybe Roku etc. You cant play music/video at this stage, but there is beginnings of support for it. If developers find this useful, then I'll take it further. Thanks Brian greatly improving the html/javascript.
- fixed a bug with deleting zero byute recordings that could leave the file on disk
- fixed a problem importing HDPVR channels which could cause duplicate channels to be listed.
- fixed an error that could stop multidec support from working
- fixed an issue with temp files not being deleted when using live tv from a client pc, or when streaming to VLC.
- fixed a problem with skipping while paused. Would previously take a long time to resume when you pressed play.
- fixed a problem that could cause a DCR-2650/Prime to indicate it was still in use even after it finishes with the tuner.
- NScriptHelper.exe now has a "-delete filename" command line parameter for deleting a recording file, it's associated files, and the recording from the database.
- fixed a bug where recording selection in Recordings screen could be wrong after playback if a new recording had occurred while playback was in progress at the time.
- fixed a problem with saving changes on the Bulk Map screen.
- fixed a problem with running "-updateepg" etc command lines with tuner plugins installed.
- added CaptureSource.OID as fourth parameter to ParallelProcessing.bat and PostProcessing.bat.
- fixed a problem with 'any channel' recordings.
- added 'recently deleted' history for users with unique identifiers in their EPG. This info is used to improve the 'avoid duplicates' logic.
- added support for playing ripped blu-ray disks in the video library
- added genre support
- client PCs now have access to timing.info files for recordings, to give more accurate duration and skipping
- fixed a problem with name resetting to 'default' when editing one-off manual recordings.
- fixed a bug that meant it was impossible to turn off the web server.
- improved accuracy of reported duration and skipping during live tv.
- fixed an issue with back-to-back analog recordings
- fixed a skipping issue that could cause playback of in-progress recordings to jump back to near the beginning of the file
- experimenting with the ability to directly stream transcoded channels using a format like http://:8866/transcode?chann...6&bitrate=900k, where "channel=1" is the channel number. The resolution and bitrate parameters are optional, but the defaults are quite low so you'll probably want to explicitly specify them.
- added logic to allow the deletion of individual episdoes of recurring recordings without them being automatically rescheduled at next EPG update.
- added skin logic to allow more complicated visible attributes to be specified through the use of '+' to a specify a logical 'and'. ie, visible="@isFolder+@hasImage"
- smoother resume of previously played recordings
- now possible to specify preferred xmltv language for xmltv files which contain title, subtitle, or description in multiple languages. Language code is specified using . There doesnt seem to be a standard around these, so not easy to add a dropdown setting.
- fixed a bug that could cause an exception if you attempt to play a video with no file extension (like http://... stream)
- updated version of NEWA. Thanks UJB!
- slightly improved .m3u support, and more logging around playback of these playlist files
- fixed a bug with visible attributes that start with '!'.
- applying a slight highlight to currently airing shows in the TV Guide.
- added NMT keyboard support
- fixed a problem with channel ordering when using live tv while a recording is occurring.
- now including more EPG data elements if they're available (first run, quality, audio type, aspect ratio, star-rating, original air date). These are all optional elements, but some EPG sources provide them. Available to skinners as @genre, @audio, @aspect, @quality, @rating, @starRating, @firstRun, @originalAirDate, and @descriptionWithGenre
- added a "Record Season (NEW episodes on this channel)" option when scheduling recurring recordings.
- added skin logic to allow more complicated visible attributes to be visible based on a comparison. For example, you might want to display a dobly digital icon in your xml with an attribute like: visible="@audio=dobly", or maybe an HD icon with: visible="@quality=HDTV"
- now showing new channel's OSD prior to channel change. Makes it feel more responsive, even if channel change is taking just as long.
- added closed caption support for a few more decoders
- added context menu to the Settings->Devices, with options to access device settings or to delete a device.
- added the ability to specify a different audio renderer for music playback
- added GetAudioRendererList() call to IPluginHelper for plugins that want it
- added IPTV support. This is compatible with ISP and cable companies using transport stream based multicast udp.
- fixed a problem with editing manual recordings that used start/end times that were not 10 minute aligned (was truncating to the nearest 10 minute)
- fixed a bug where subtitle selection popup wasnt working correctly with DVD playback
- fixed issue where bring up the tv guide in live tv wouldnt show the selected show details unless you were watching the first channel in the channel list.
- now possible to tweak the setting programmatically without needing to restart video playback.
- slight tweaks to teletext subtitles